Tag Archives: splash

Cannonball!! by ThroughTamsEyes

Day 152

This was TOTALLY inspired by the movie "The Sandlot". Here is a link to the clip that Hambone does a cannonball and splashes all of the girls (be sure to watch the first 45 seconds) – www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqGxI7QIYu4

via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/fnkvvZ

monsoon #1 by swarat_ghosh

This is request to all my flickr friends pl. do visit my facebook page and place your comments/feedback and if you do really like my page please clicked on "like"
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Also,Thanks all my friends for your visit , comments and Favs!!. Have a great week ahead!!

Press "L" to view it in black

via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/f5SoL6