Tag Archives: man

The Dance of the Poles and Shit Happens in Goa. by Anoop Negi

Sand mining is a major problem in India. If you look out the window of your car or a train as you pass a river bed you will see trucks, tractors and bullock carts carrying away sand that is used primarily in the construction industry.
The Courts in India have banned sand mining wherever proactive volunteers have brought up the malaise but the activity still continues unchecked almost everywhere.

This is the river Colvale in Goa near the Chapora bridge where a sand mining boat lies moored with long poles used by the workers standing tall in the Goan sky. A man on the riverbank s(h)its in timeless repose caring two hoots about what the environmentalists are trying to achieve.

As of now the sand mining is banned and it has been a few years since I passed this place on the Highway 17 that runs through Goa.

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via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/vAXqHc