Commonly uncommon

The link to the photo is here.

Soldering Iron holder.

As the note says it is cropped and photo-edit (Gimp for the win !!). Besides all of that, what makes this special is the fact that this is an article of everyday use. Well, nearly everyday use for folks who need to use it. And only an eye for detail would be able to appreciate how the color changes the texture of the photo. There is less of an element of ‘liquid’ and more of the shiny fluidity and hence beauty. Metallic rigidity replaced by a flowing texture.

Red Dress

It does a lot of other things than just use the sliver of light to highlight the fall of the dress. There is a sense of impromptu arrangement of the body so as to get the dress to billow out a bit. That, along with the strong wood arrangement in background and in the palette tends to set off the dress, but more importantly set off the light in the context of the dress. More photos are here.

The light

The image of the is here.

Nothing much to say about this one in particular save that the light drifting in through the slats make this an extremely powerful picture. There isn’t much content within the photoframe. Just slits of light and the drabness of the wall. The composition is somewhat cliche, but what does make it nice is the fact that it manages to be one of the ‘it looks best at this precise moment’ pictures.

Another vivid color composition

There is an element of starkness which mixes with the small color palette in this picture. There isn’t much to see, but the subtle shades of the limited colors go with the starkness of the picture. There is urgency and there is a vivid nature that is present that makes this image worth a second look.

A favorite of the day

So I picked this one up to talk about. However, this isn’t the only photo in the set worth mulling over. Drop by the site and you will have enough reasons to stop and appreciate camera work.

Why is *this* photo worth a blog ? The color and the aesthetics. The light isn’t too great, the moment is sort of posed. But leaving all that aside, the colors in the photo are vivid enough to make you stop and re-look. And, that touch of exposed rawness makes this photo a bit of a hard to flip by quickly.

Good work.