Tag Archives: lines

Lines by marywilson’s eye

"No one ever discovered anything new by colouring inside the lines." Thomas Vasquez

21/52 Litel Pipol

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City Spaces and Strings by TGKW

I was recently commissioned by The Scottish Ensemble to document their upcoming, site-specific concert 20th Century Perspectives: City Spaces and Strings. It will take place in an impressive, disused secret city centre location which I visited last month. In many ways, it was a return to my photographic roots: while I’ve always been interested in photographing people, I sharpened my eyes when I was younger by paying attention to shapes, forms and abstract details in a way that I haven’t for years. To be commissioned to do that, to look again at empty spaces, was an enlightening and rewarding experience.

The concert looks set to be a riveting and beautiful immersive experience: even if you have no interest in classical music, I’d encourage you to read the pieces I’ve written about it at scottishensemble.wordpress.com/ and consider getting yourself a ticket.

Glasgow, 2014.

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