Tag Archives: orange

Last One Out by Stuck in Customs

When I was at the Grand Mosque here in Muscat, I asked if I could be the very last tourist to leave. The whole place was very busy, but I wanted to have less people around… I think with just a few people here and there you get a tremendous sense of the scale of the place. You also get an idea of how shiny the floor is!

– Trey Ratcliff

Click here to read the rest of this post at the Stuck in Customs blog.

via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/GrLHxw

Last One Out by Stuck in Customs

When I was at the Grand Mosque here in Muscat, I asked if I could be the very last tourist to leave. The whole place was very busy, but I wanted to have less people around… I think with just a few people here and there you get a tremendous sense of the scale of the place. You also get an idea of how shiny the floor is!

– Trey Ratcliff

Click here to read the rest of this post at the Stuck in Customs blog.

via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/GrLHxw